Window Washing FAQ

I worked professionally as a window washer for a period of time. Here are some answers to questions one might have about the job.

What kind of soap is used?

Regular liquid dish soap.

What is the most efficient way to use the soap?

I'm glad you asked, since I have just the page for you!

How do you clean the outsides of the windows?

We used a system that is hooked up to a hose and then filters the hose water with reverse osmosis filters, which is then forced out a brush on an extendable pole. No soap is used for this since the dirt particles are "sucked" into the purified water. My favorite use of this device was cleaning the inside of the windows of the pool at the YMCA.

When should I get my windows washed?

After the spring pollen season is over. And make sure you do any planned power washing beforehand, because it will get the windows dirty again.

What kinds of places do you typically clean?

It depends on the season. In the spring through fall private houses and large facilities want to get a yearly clean done. These are usually one day jobs but some will take a team multiple days. Throughout the year businesses want their storefronts cleaned, which is called "route work." This will typically involve traveling from one strip mall to another (each business contracts individually, only rarely did we have a contract with a whole facility). During the winter route work is essentially the only work

What are some interesting places you've cleaned?

How are you paid?

At the place I worked, it was commission based; you get a percentage of the job and the rest goes to the company. You get a set of jobs to do in the morning and it's up to you to finish them.

What are the good parts of the job?

What are the bad parts of the job?

created: 2025-03-12
modified: 2025-03-12