When trying to learn something new, I find it every easy to spend more time reading about how to learn than actually learning. I call this "the how-to trap." This meta-activity certainly has it's place, but if left unchecked it can consume one's time entirely, creating an expert in theory only.
The main bait in the trap is that it feels productive: "Just a few more posts/videos/threads and I'll be in the perfect place to get started." The trick is you have to get started eventually. Many people want to lure you into the how-to trap in order to sell you something (the ultimate method of getting started of course), and many others are simply producing how-to content from within the trap themselves.
The trick to escaping the trap is to realize that suboptimal approaches now are better than optimal approaches later since you're actually getting something done. Continuing to search for better ways after you've started is fine, just don't push back your start date because of it.